ACE — manufacturer of scale models


Model: VBL Milan AT missile carrier

Catalogue number 72421
Scale 1/72
Model state Production line
Weapons and equipment Anti tank
Period Post WWII

VBL Milan Véhicule Blindé Léger ("Light armoured vehicle") is a French wheeled 4x4 all-terrain vehicle. The vehicle is offered in various configurations, and was designed to combine the agility of the Peugeot P4 liaison vehicle with adequate protection against small arms fire, artillery fragments, mines and NBC weapons. Produced between 1985 and 2010, the vehicle has been used by the French Army and other European, African and armies in various conflicts since the 1980s. AT medium range version uses one MILAN missile fire unit with six missiles, and a MIRA Thermal camera

Inside of box


Photos of prototype

VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier VBL Milan AT missile carrier

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